Smart Solar Paid Marketing Strategy: 10,000 Leads and Counting

10,000+ Quality Leads
Invested A$1 Million+

About Smart House Solar

smart house solar panels Brisbane


Smart House Solar is a renowned solar power company in Australia, serving customers throughout Queensland and New South Wales. They have earned the 2021 and 2022 Product Review Awards, showcasing their commitment to quality products, installations, and prompt after-sales service. With a stellar rating of 4.8 stars out of 5 from more than 400 satisfied customers, Smart House Solar has established itself as a trusted name in the industry.



The Challenge

Smart Solar House Challenge


Smart House Solar approached us with the challenge of generating more leads for their solar systems, batteries, and inverters. They wanted to reach residential and commercial customers who were interested in installing solar systems and drive more sales conversions. The client faced the obstacles of operating on a limited budget while competing in a fiercely competitive market.




Our Approach

To tackle these challenges, our team devised a comprehensive PPC strategy tailored to Smart House Solar’s goals. We implemented a range of tactics to optimize their performance marketing efforts:


  1. PPC Planning and Optimization: We conducted a thorough analysis of the brand, products, and competitors to develop a strategic plan. This involved precise budget planning, market research, and selecting the most effective marketing channels.
  2. Campaign Execution: We leveraged various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Bing Ads, to reach the target audience effectively. Our team optimized the campaigns to improve ad conversions and maximize the return on ad spend.
  3. Performed Thorough Keyword Research: We began the project by conducting extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-impact keywords for Smart House Solar. Through meticulous analysis and exploration, we compiled a comprehensive list of over 1000 potential keywords.
  4. Categorized Keywords for Relevance: We further categorized the identified keywords into distinct groups based on their relevance and intent. These categories included:
    1. Product Keywords: Keywords related to solar systems, batteries, and inverters offered by Smart House Solar.
    2. Competitor Keywords: Keywords targeting competitors in the solar system retail industry.
    3. Brand Keywords: Specific to Smart House Solar’s brand name and related variations.
    4. Location Keywords: Targeting customers based on specific regions and areas.
    5. Finalized Keyword List: After a rigorous refinement process, we narrowed down the keyword list to about 650 highly relevant and effective keywords. This strategic approach ensured that Smart House Solar’s ads would reach the right audience, maximizing the potential for conversions.
  5. Implemented UTM Tagging for Improved Tracking: To enhance tracking and measurement of campaign performance, we diligently tagged every campaign with UTM parameters. This meticulous tagging allowed us to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of different marketing channels and identify the most successful campaigns.
  6. Built Strong Negative Keyword List Based on Response: As we closely monitored the campaign’s performance, we continuously learned from user responses. By analysing search queries that did not align with Smart House Solar’s offerings, we built a robust negative keyword list comprising over 2500 keywords. This proactive approach significantly reduced irrelevant clicks, further optimizing the ad spend.
  7. Budget Scaling: We started with a modest budget of A$100 per day and delivered high-quality leads through calls and emails. As the campaigns proved successful, the client gradually increased their ad budget to A$50,000 per month and later to A$1,00,000 per month. This investment allowed Smart House Solar to achieve significant growth and capitalize on their success.
  8. Website Optimization: We conducted technical analysis of the client’s website, implemented conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques, and installed tracking codes through a tag manager. By improving the website’s performance and user experience, we enhanced lead generation and ensured a seamless customer journey.


The Result

10,000+ Quality Leads
Invested A$1 Million+

Our performance marketing services delivered outstanding results for Smart House Solar:


Smart House SolarCase Study



  1. Generated over 10,000 high-quality leads across multiple channels, with 6,337 leads coming solely from Google Ads.
  2. Enabled significant sales opportunities and conversions, contributing to the client’s business growth.
  3. Facilitated an increase in the ad budget from A$3,000 per month to A$50,000 per month within a year and later to A$1,00,000 per month.
  4. Invested a total of A$1 Million in Google Ads alone, demonstrating the client’s confidence in our PPC marketing services.
  5. Implemented ongoing optimization strategies to improve lead quality, increase sales conversions, and deliver exceptional ROI.


Through our collaboration, Smart House Solar experienced substantial success in their performance marketing endeavours. We are proud to have played a crucial role in their journey, helping them expand their customer base, increase sales, and establish a strong online presence in the competitive solar industry.

If you want to achieve remarkable results like Smart House Solar, contact us today to discuss how our performance marketing services can transform your business.

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