Isometric laptop with shopping cart on keypad

Computer & Hardware Company

  • +3.91% ROAS YOY
  • +29.16% Conversion YOY
  • 27,414 Conversions
Client: Computer & Hardware Company
The brand is well on its way to commencing scaling assuredly with fruitful returns -

Challenge And Solutions

The company is a Computer & Hardware brand selling and enabling printing accessories to the printer-buying user base. The task was to target more business users who are planning to have printers for commercial use.


We evaluated the client’s business challenges, like the brand was never seen online, and achieving high ROAS in paid marketing was quite tricky with a decade-old website built in non-user-friendly technology. We helped the client stakeholders with requirements for technology and design upgrades. The conversion rate was also lower with the old website.


We started with Google Ads and Bing Ads. And our team continuously optimised the client’s PPC activities to deliver enhanced results. We assisted the client with brand analysis activities, product analysis tasks, and accurate budget planning.


Our team set with the client’s team for further competitor analysis, market price and research, finalising selection of marketing channels, precise campaign planning, in-depth keywords and audience research.


Our team enabled website technical analysis, worked on improving website CRO, helped with website re-design, tag manager setup, conversion tracking and other script installation. Our team also worked on data cleaning and tracking improvements to enhance data quality. Furthermore, we facilitated campaign optimisation based on the client’s real-time feedback and suggestions.


Comparison of Result

Our team optimised the client’s PPC activities to deliver this ROAS & Conversion values

Google Analytics
+3.91% ROAS YOY
+29.16% Conversion YOY
27,414 Conversions

From The Clients

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